Why We Submit Articles For SEO?

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“Content is king”.  Now, if there are people who might be wondering why we need to submit articles for SEO or search engine optimization, the reason can be all summed up with that one little phrase.  Whether you like it or not, if you’re into online business like me, if you are trying to sell someone else’s products or services, if you are selling your own or if you are just trying to let the world know how handsome you are, you have to have the right skills in writing good content.

Article Submission

The reason is quite simple, really.  Google has been trying to change its algorithm for the past year or so.  This way, they can quickly identify and smell spam whenever they come across with one.  Spamming has been one of the problems that Google has been facing and, frankly speaking, it makes them lose money. So, in other words, why should they lose money and even integrity while, the fact of the matter is, spammers are making huge revenues by doing something that really smells like spam in the morning?  So, what Google did was to change its logarithm, one that can smell spam anywhere within a thousand miles, so to speak.  So, what will these online marketers do in order to not smell like spam?  Cook a very healthy and unique article, that’s what they are going to do.

This means to say that you need to improve the quality of your work and not the quantity of your articles.  You need to take more time in trying to improve not just your writing but the idea of what you are writing.  In the olden days, those who make a lot of money through online business will just need to write one article and, sometimes, they will copy that article from one site, have it spun, then, submit that article to different article submission sites.  This kind of “activity” may be advantageous for online marketers in the past. But, now, things have changed dramatically.  You will really do more harm than good to your online business endeavors.  Not only Google won’t index your site if you have articles that have poor content but there is also that frightening possibility that your site or blog site will be sort of suspended.

To end, one of the most important thing when writing articles is to make sure that you know what you are doing.  You have to make sure that you have the interest. In other words, identify your niche and when you start to write articles, not only you can write them as fast and as efficiently and as informative as possible.  You will really enjoy what you are doing and you will enjoy reaping your rewards when the right time comes and that’s the reason why we need to submit good-quality, readable, informative and interactive articles for SEO.

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